Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ready, set, summer!

Words cannot express how excited I am for it to be summer.  Even though I'm a working real person at this point, the summer is going to involve taking a step back and calming down in terms of scheduling for me--I'm going from 5 days of class a week down to 1 by July, and I plan to be in a different city almost every week (hooray business travel, races, and visiting friends!).  And as of 10 this morning, I've survived my wisdom teeth coming out AND the LSAT.  We'll see how the LSAT turns out, but it looks like even though I'm going to be incredibly sick of applesauce by the time my antibiotics and vicodin run out, I'm done the hard part of the wisdom teeth. 

Of course, summer also made me want to put together a new playlist full of happiness and songs to get you through the workday when you'd rather be outside lying by a pool (see previous post).  The two bands that I've been relying most heavily on for mood-bosting music (which it seems like several people could use lately) are Matt and Kim and Passion Pit. I challenge you to listen to Daylight or Little Secrets without smiling.  

When you're ready to expand off of those, here are a few to check out from each: 

Matt and Kim
Yea Yeah
Good Ol Fashioned Nightmare
Lessons Learned

Pasison Pit
Make Light
Swimming in the Flood

The best part? Both are on tour! Let's go!


  1. Yay summer!! I'm excited to hear about all of the upcoming races. And big CONGRATULATIONS on getting the LSAT thing out of the way!!!

  2. Thank you so much for sending me music last night! Definitely helped!
    I love love love "colors" by April Smith! That's definitely my favorite

  3. Passion Pit is awesome. Great remix of "Little Secrets" -
