Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cop-out post

Things have continued to be very busy; spent a week in DC for training and then came home to deal with my wisdom teeth (which all have to come out, terrified).  So, I'm going to go with a cop-out post for the moment.  Thanks to my dear friend Kathy, I now know about Grooveshark.  Grooveshark allows you to search for any song, play it as many times as you want, put it into a playlist, and share your playlists with the world.

This is a very exciting concept to me because once you create a link to the playlist in order to share with someone, it seems like Grooveshark actually updates the playlist when you do, without the need for another new link.  At least, this is what happened when I tested it with Tash (thanks!).

What does this mean for you?  It means that if you want, you can now have a direct link (haha Internet coworker is rubbing off on me) to playlists! And since I make playlists almost obsessively, I can have the option of passing them along as a quicker method of getting great music out to you.  Let's face it, it would take a really long time for me to even finish the list of artists I have saved in my draft posts, and by the time I get to all of them, I'll probably have about 10 more to add.

So yeah, if you're looking for a good site to turn to when your free Pandora hours for the month run out, check out Grooveshark.  And if you're interested, here's my work playlist of the week. 

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