Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hello Seahorse!

Quick story of how I found Hello Seahorse and started using the forces of musical imperialism to make other start listening as well: Their song Bestia was on one of iTunes free indie playlists, which for me have normally been hit or miss in terms of finding something I like or recognize.  Luckily, 8 hours of work a day necessitates that ultimate hit-or-miss experience, putting the iPod on shuffle (seriously, you forget how much music you have until you hear something from high school randomly).  Bestia comes up, is listened to on repeat ad nauseum, and the world continues on.  

Flash forward to NYC visiting some Hoya loves, and gorging on Mexican food at La Lucha (words can't describe the delicious cheesy melty goodness...although their website is still kinda getting the hang of existing).  Music playing is lovely, comments are made to that effect, and then I realize that it is, in fact, a band I know.  Hooray! I've found another band I can start telling people to listen to, and do.  

Hello Seahorse! is about as cutesy as they sound.  Another good indication would be their album covers, one of which is included in this post.  Seriously? How can you say no to that? My Spanish is not yet good enough to be able to comment much about the songs in Spanish, but this Mexican group sings in a mix of Spanish and English, and both are equally enjoyable.  Their latest album, Bestia, is entirely in Spanish, but even if you don't have a clue about what they're saying, it's worth a listen.  

And after a bit of digging on the internet, here's a way to get a remix of Bestia for FREE. I downloaded the entire sampler from Nacional, which is HS!'s record label to see what this whole Mexican music scene is about.  We'll see what happens; if something good comes out of it, it'll definitely end up here eventually.  

In any case, here's a quick roundup of some mentionable songs to check out (besides Bestia, of course): 

Won't Say Anything
Oso Polar

1 comment:

  1. I need to remember to download some of these songs when I get home. I read the posts (along with most of the internet) at work so forget when I get home. As a result, I havent downloaded any new music in months, which is beginning to make the walk to work boring, not to mention how tired running playlists are getting. Make me a cd? :)
