Monday, March 22, 2010

Trio Töykeät

And in the true spirit of broad musical taste, I'm going to take a short break for some laudable Finnish jazz, which I was introduced to by a friend while abroad.  Trio Töykeät produces songs heavy on piano and strings, with a great mix of melody and improvisation.  I don't know much about formal structure in jazz, so I won't comment to the specific style. I will say that their songs are catchy, come in a wide range of tempos, and have proven to me that pizzicato can be feasibly used in mainstream music (not just Jazz Pizzicato, if you've ever played that...but what string player hasn't? guh).  I personally own their album Sisu, which unfortunately doesn't include one of my favorites from them, Perfect Make Out Music.  I can't make any claims to the validity of the title, but the song is good! 

Here are a few others worth a listen (unfortunately there weren't many links available, and the titles can get a bit confusing for non-Finnish speakers): 

End of the First Set
Vanhojapoikia Viiksekkäitä-Couldn't find a link; on Sisu
Pizzitaxi-aforementioned proof of pizzicato; also generally wonderful violin
Gadd A Tee?

In any case, I've found them to be great for study music, since I can't get anything done if I'm singing along to songs in my head.  I'd especially appreciate comments on this post to get an idea of whether I should post random things like this more often. I already love all this stuff, I want to know what you guys think!

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